Everything to Make Your Wedding Day Run Smooth from a Wedding Photographer

Wedding days can be hectic and high stress but they don’t have to be. I chatted with Vancouver Wedding Photographer, Eunice Kwok from Chuunice Photography to hear her tips for a smooth wedding day.

Most common problem I've seen:

  • Not realizing how quickly time will fly by on wedding day, and thus not prioritizing accordingly. Have a schedule outlining the day and add in a buffer.

  • Not booking enough photography (time) coverage. It's better to have an extra chill hour than to miss an important moment because you or your party is running late.

  • Not realizing that you'll move slower in formal gowns and shoes. Those dresses are heavy! Not to mention every person will want to congratulate you and talk to you.

  • Not realizing how long group photos can take. Getting the wedding party to pose and look at the camera at the same time can add up.

  • Not allocating enough time for the couple themselves. Wedding portraits are important, these will be the photos you frame, make sure you have plenty of time to get the shot.

  • Having to be the organizers during the wedding. If you can delegate someone to keep the day on track and make sure everyone is in the right spot you can enjoy the day so much more.

  • Trying to have "all the things" just because they think they have to even if they don't necessarily like it (e.g. cake cutting, games, formal dances, tons of speeches, wedding dress/outfit change, etc). Everything takes take time too, think about what you really want to include!

  • If you decide to "do something later", it just might not happen. If you want a specific event or shot to happen schedule it in to the day in advance.

Paige Grififth